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zastupanje; rukovanje; zamena; upravljanje (umesto drugog); službeni; opunomoćeni zastupnik; zamenik; punomoćnik; punomoć; ovlašćenje | |||
Proksi (A computer (or the software that runs on it) that acts as a barrier between a network and the Internet by presenting only a single network address to external sites) | |||
agent; delegat; namesnik; opunomoćenik; ovlašćeno lice; poslanik; posrednik; predstavnik; punomoćje; zastupnik | |||
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opunomoćenik | |||
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ovlašćeni predstavnik | |||
opunomoćeni predstavnik; pravni zastupnik; trgovačko punomoćje | |||
English thesaurus | |||
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proxy server (ssn); procuracy | |||
Proxy (A computer (or the software that runs on it) that acts as a barrier between a network and the Internet by presenting only a single network address to external sites); Proxy (A service, process, or file that allows the computer to serve as an interface device between a remote system and the Internet. Common uses of a proxy are to send unsolicited (spam) email) | |||
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a PC software package for proximity correction; proximity correction |
proxy : 95 phrases in 7 subjects |
Economics | 6 |
General | 3 |
Information technology | 1 |
Law | 70 |
Medical | 2 |
Microsoft | 10 |
Military | 3 |